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Purchasing a pool today is a substantial investment in the family home, a decision that cannot be taken lightly as our home is our most important possession. We understand the concerns of a purchaser, we too are just like you.


We offer reliability, quality construction, innovation in design and product, use of up-to-the-minute technology where economically feasible, and an on-going relationship to back up your investment.


Our substantial credentials are testimonial to our guarantees and our ability to ensure your pool is trouble-free. Prospective purchasers are unique in their sameness. Everyone wants to choose a company that offers reliability, quality of work, ability to listen and comprehend the “wants and needs” of each client and be prepared to refine as the project evolves.


We commit to quality and performance and we offer a long term relationship that gives you a no-fuss experience that will enhance your home and your family lifestyle.

We offer a simple message: We know our business and our product, we have a lengthy track record, we search and use innovative, smart building methods and products and deliver a first-class product.


We know the importance of communication and we know you are paying us to perform above industry standards. Swimming pool construction is not rocket science, but a well designed,precision built pool requires a lot of thought and practiced, specialised trades. We look forward to working with you and will ensure that your new AWARD pool is just that.


  • Members of The Swimming Pool and Spa Assoc. of Victoria

  • Winners of numerous State and National Awards.

  • Licensed and recognised with Building Practitioners Board.

  • Thirty-two years of “hands-on” experience.

  • Portfolio of hundreds of satisfied and complimentary clients

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